The Adventures of Dexter and Axel Blog

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Category: Crafting Fun

  1. Send a life size hug

    Posted on

    I don't think its any surprise that we are all starting to find this lock down hard, we are missing family and friends and normal life, and lots of us just really want a hug. 

    finished hugs

    So the boys and I decided we wanted to make some hugs to take to their grandparents, I shared some pics on instagram and had lots of people say they wanted ot make some too, so I thought it would be good to pop a little blog up with how we did it. 

  2. Painting a rainbow

    Posted on

    So with the country being put into lockdown, everyone is feeling the strain with life being turned upside down, we are all trying to take one day at a time and trying to keep going even through the hardest days. Kids need a pick me up to know that life will return to normal at some point, key workers need to know that we are al supporting them and thanking them for their amazing work throughout this crisis and others need to know that we are all in it together so when the days are hard they can remember that they aren't alone.

    And its from all of that, that the country has started to paint rainbows to display in their front windows for the world to see. We have loved spotting rainbows when we have been for a walk, the kids love seeing all the different ones and its helping them to feel connected to others at a time when we are physically separated from everyone. 


  3. Toilet Tube Tropical Bird Craft Time

    Posted on

    So I am always collecting toilet roll tubes, they are so good for craft projects I always have a big box of them just ready for when inspiration strikes. 

    Yep that means we often have lots of binoculars and telescopes created and left around the house, but they've also come in brilliantly to make Christmas trees, funky animals and now tropical birds....and I thought you might like to make some to. 
